9 月 022013

Usage: virt-install –name NAME –ram RAM STORAGE INSTALL [options]

–version             show program’s version number and exit
-h, –help            show this help message and exit
–connect=URI         Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI

General Options:
-n NAME, –name=NAME
Name of the guest instance
Memory to allocate for guest instance in megabytes
–vcpus=VCPUS       Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Ex:
–vcpus 5
–vcpus 5,maxcpus=10
–vcpus sockets=2,cores=4,threads=2
–cpuset=CPUSET     Set which physical CPUs domain can use.
–cpu=CPU           CPU model and features. Ex: –cpu coreduo,+x2apic
Human readable description of the VM to store in the
generated XML.
Set domain security driver configuration.
Tune NUMA policy for the domain process.

Installation Method Options:
-c CDROM, –cdrom=CDROM
CD-ROM installation media
Installation source (eg, nfs:host:/path,
http://host/path, ftp://host/path)
–pxe               Boot from the network using the PXE protocol
–import            Build guest around an existing disk image
–init=INIT         Path to init binary for container guest. Ex:
–init /path/to/app (to contain an application)
–init /sbin/init (for a full OS container)
–livecd            Treat the CD-ROM media as a Live CD
-x EXTRA, –extra-args=EXTRA
Additional arguments to pass to the install kernel
booted from –location
Add given file to root of initrd from –location
The OS type being installed, e.g. ‘linux’, ‘unix’,
The OS variant being installed guests, e.g. ‘fedora6’,
‘rhel5’, ‘solaris10’, ‘win2k’
–boot=BOOTOPTS     Optionally configure post-install boot order, menu,
permanent kernel boot, etc.

Storage Configuration:
–disk=DISKOPTS     Specify storage with various options. Ex.
–disk path=/my/existing/disk
–disk path=/my/new/disk,size=5 (in gigabytes)
–disk vol=poolname:volname,device=cdrom,bus=scsi,…
–nodisks           Don’t set up any disks for the guest.
Pass host directory to the guest. Ex:
–filesystem /my/source/dir,/dir/in/guest
–filesystem template_name,/,type=template

Networking Configuration:
-w NETWORK, –network=NETWORK
Configure a guest network interface. Ex:
–network bridge=mybr0
–network network=my_libvirt_virtual_net
–network network=mynet,model=virtio,mac=00:11…
–nonetworks        Don’t create network interfaces for the guest.

Graphics Configuration:
Configure guest display settings. Ex:
–graphics vnc
–graphics spice,port=5901,tlsport=5902
–graphics none
–graphics vnc,password=foobar,port=5910,keymap=ja
–noautoconsole     Don’t automatically try to connect to the guest

Device Options:
–serial=SERIALS    Configure a guest serial device
Configure a guest parallel device
–channel=CHANNELS  Configure a guest communication channel
–console=CONSOLES  Configure a text console connection between the guest
and host
Configure physical host devices attached to the guest
–soundhw=SOUNDHW   Configure guest sound device emulation
Configure a guest watchdog device
–video=VIDEO       Configure guest video hardware.
Configure a guest smartcard device. Ex:
–smartcard mode=passthrough

Virtualization Platform Options:
-v, –hvm           This guest should be a fully virtualized guest
-p, –paravirt      This guest should be a paravirtualized guest
–container         This guest should be a container guest
Hypervisor name to use (kvm, qemu, xen, …)
–arch=ARCH         The CPU architecture to simulate
–machine=MACHINE   The machine type to emulate
–noapic            Disables APIC for fully virtualized guest (overrides
value in os-type/os-variant db)
–noacpi            Disables ACPI for fully virtualized guest (overrides
value in os-type/os-variant db)
-u UUID, –uuid=UUID
UUID for the guest.


Miscellaneous Options:
 --autostart         Have domain autostart on host boot up.
 --print-xml         Print the generated domain XML rather than define the
 Print XML of a specific install step (1, 2, 3, all)
 rather than define the guest.
 --noreboot          Don't boot guest after completing install.
 --wait=WAIT         Time to wait (in minutes)
 --dry-run           Run through install process, but do not create devices
 or define the guest.
 --force             Forces 'yes' for any applicable prompts, terminates
 for all others
 -q, --quiet         Suppress non-error output
 --prompt            Request user input for ambiguous situations or
 required options.
 -d, --debug         Print debugging information
9 月 022013



[root@localhost ~]# yum groupinstall Virtualization "Virtualization Client"
 hypervkvpd              x86_64 0-0.9.el6                         base     17 k
 python-virtinst         noarch 0.600.0-15.el6                    base    490 k
 qemu-kvm                x86_64 2: updates 1.3 M
 virt-manager            x86_64 0.9.0-18.el6                      base    1.0 M
 virt-top                x86_64 1.0.4-3.15.el6                    base    369 k
 virt-viewer             x86_64 0.5.2-18.el6_4.2                  updates 200 k


Virtualization Client中的包依赖于Virtualization Platform中的libvirt

[root@localhost ~]# yum info libvirt
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.163.com
* extras: mirrors.163.com
* updates: mirrors.163.com
Available Packages
Name        : libvirt
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 0.10.2
Release     : 18.el6_4.9
Size        : 2.3 M
Repo        : updates
Summary     : Library providing a simple virtualization API
URL         : http://libvirt.org/
License     : LGPLv2+
Description : Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization
: capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The
: main package includes the libvirtd server exporting the
: virtualization support.


[root@localhost ~]# yum install libvirt

libvirt               x86_64 0.10.2-18.el6_4.9                   updates 2.3 M
Installing for dependencies:
ConsoleKit            x86_64 0.4.1-3.el6                         base     82 k
ConsoleKit-libs       x86_64 0.4.1-3.el6                         base     17 k
augeas-libs           x86_64 0.9.0-4.el6                         base    317 k
avahi-libs            x86_64 0.6.25-12.el6                       base     54 k
cvs                   x86_64 1.11.23-15.el6                      base    711 k
cyrus-sasl-md5        x86_64 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1                   base     47 k
dbus                  x86_64 1:1.2.24-7.el6_3                    base    207 k
dmidecode             x86_64 1:2.11-2.el6                        base     71 k
dnsmasq               x86_64 2.48-13.el6                         base    149 k
ebtables              x86_64 2.0.9-6.el6                         base     95 k
eggdbus               x86_64 0.6-3.el6                           base     91 k
gettext               x86_64 0.17-16.el6                         base    1.8 M
gnutls                x86_64 2.8.5-10.el6_4.2                    updates 346 k
gnutls-utils          x86_64 2.8.5-10.el6_4.2                    updates 100 k
hal                   x86_64 0.5.14-11.el6                       base    375 k
hal-info              noarch 20090716-3.1.el6                    base     56 k
hal-libs              x86_64 0.5.14-11.el6                       base     69 k
hdparm                x86_64 9.16-3.4.el6                        base     72 k
keyutils              x86_64 1.4-4.el6                           base     39 k
libcgroup             x86_64 0.37-7.2.el6_4                      updates 111 k
libevent              x86_64 1.4.13-4.el6                        base     66 k
libgomp               x86_64 4.4.7-3.el6                         base    118 k
libgssglue            x86_64 0.1-11.el6                          base     23 k
libnl                 x86_64 1.1.4-1.el6_4                       updates 121 k
libpcap               x86_64 14:1.0.0-6.20091201git117cb5.el6    base    126 k
libtasn1              x86_64 2.3-3.el6_2.1                       base    238 k
libtirpc              x86_64 0.2.1-6.el6_4                       updates  78 k
libusb1               x86_64 1.0.9-0.6.rc1.el6                   base     80 k
libvirt-client        x86_64 0.10.2-18.el6_4.9                   updates 4.0 M
libxslt               x86_64 1.1.26-2.el6_3.1                    base    452 k
lzo                   x86_64 2.03-3.1.el6                        base     55 k
lzop                  x86_64 1.02-0.9.rc1.el6                    base     50 k
nc                    x86_64 1.84-22.el6                         base     57 k
netcf-libs            x86_64 0.1.9-3.el6                         base     51 k
nfs-utils             x86_64 1:1.2.3-36.el6                      base    319 k
nfs-utils-lib         x86_64 1.1.5-6.el6                         base     67 k
numactl               x86_64 2.0.7-6.el6                         base     69 k
numad                 x86_64 0.5-8.20121015git.el6               base     27 k
parted                x86_64 2.1-19.el6                          base    606 k
perl                  x86_64 4:5.10.1-131.el6_4                  updates  10 M
perl-Module-Pluggable x86_64 1:3.90-131.el6_4                    updates  39 k
perl-Pod-Escapes      x86_64 1:1.04-131.el6_4                    updates  31 k
perl-Pod-Simple       x86_64 1:3.13-131.el6_4                    updates 211 k
perl-libs             x86_64 4:5.10.1-131.el6_4                  updates 577 k
perl-version          x86_64 3:0.77-131.el6_4                    updates  50 k
pm-utils              x86_64 1.2.5-10.el6                        base    108 k
polkit                x86_64 0.96-2.el6_0.1                      base    158 k
qemu-img              x86_64 2:   updates 472 k
radvd                 x86_64 1.6-1.el6                           base     75 k
rpcbind               x86_64 0.2.0-11.el6                        base     51 k
usbredir              x86_64 0.5.1-1.el6                         base     40 k
xz                    x86_64 4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el6    base    137 k
yajl                  x86_64 1.0.7-3.el6                         base     27 k


[root@localhost ~]# service libvirtd status
libvirtd (pid  1553) is running…
[root@localhost ~]# service libvirt-guests status
[root@localhost ~]# service hypervkvpd status
hv_kvp_daemon (pid 1506) is running…
[root@localhost ~]#

9 月 022013

[root@localhost ~]# yum grouplist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Setting up Group Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.163.com
* extras: mirrors.163.com
* updates: mirrors.163.com
Installed Groups:
FCoE Storage Client
Network file system client
Scalable Filesystems
Storage Availability Tools
iSCSI Storage Client
Available Groups:
Additional Development
Backup Client
Backup Server
CIFS file server
Client management tools
Compatibility libraries
Console internet tools
Debugging Tools
Desktop Debugging and Performance Tools
Desktop Platform
Desktop Platform Development
Development tools
Dial-up Networking Support
Directory Client
Directory Server
E-mail server
FTP server
General Purpose Desktop
Graphical Administration Tools
Graphics Creation Tools
Hardware monitoring utilities
High Availability
High Availability Management
Identity Management Server
Infiniband Support
Input Methods
Internet Applications
Internet Browser
Java Platform
KDE Desktop
Large Systems Performance
Legacy UNIX compatibility
Legacy X Window System compatibility
Load Balancer
Mainframe Access
Messaging Client Support
MySQL Database client
MySQL Database server
NFS file server
Network Infrastructure Server
Network Storage Server
Networking Tools
Office Suite and Productivity
PHP Support
Performance Tools
Perl Support
PostgreSQL Database client
PostgreSQL Database server
Print Server
Printing client
Remote Desktop Clients
Resilient Storage
Ruby Support
SNMP Support
Scientific support
Security Tools
Server Platform
Server Platform Development
Smart card support
System Management
System administration tools
Systems Management Messaging Server support
TeX support
Technical Writing
TurboGears application framework
Virtualization Client
Virtualization Platform
Virtualization Tools
Web Server
Web Servlet Engine
Web-Based Enterprise Management
X Window System
Available Language Groups:
Afrikaans Support [af]
Albanian Support [sq]
Amazigh Support [ber]
Arabic Support [ar]
Armenian Support [hy]
Assamese Support [as]
Azerbaijani Support [az]
Basque Support [eu]
Belarusian Support [be]
Bengali Support [bn]
Bhutanese Support [dz]
Brazilian Portuguese Support [pt_BR]
Breton Support [br]
Bulgarian Support [bg]
Catalan Support [ca]
Chhattisgarhi Support [hne]
Chichewa Support [ny]
Chinese Support [zh]
Coptic Support [cop]
Croatian Support [hr]
Czech Support [cs]
Danish Support [da]
Dutch Support [nl]
English (UK) Support [en_GB]
Esperanto Support [eo]
Estonian Support [et]
Ethiopic Support [am]
Faroese Support [fo]
Fijian Support [fj]
Filipino Support [fil]
Finnish Support [fi]
French Support [fr]
Frisian Support [fy]
Friulian Support [fur]
Gaelic Support [gd]
Galician Support [gl]
Georgian Support [ka]
German Support [de]
Greek Support [el]
Gujarati Support [gu]
Hebrew Support [he]
Hiligaynon Support [hil]
Hindi Support [hi]
Hungarian Support [hu]
Icelandic Support [is]
Indonesian Support [id]
Interlingua Support [ia]
Inuktitut Support [iu]
Irish Support [ga]
Italian Support [it]
Japanese Support [ja]
Kannada Support [kn]
Kashmiri Support [ks]
Kashubian Support [csb]
Kazakh Support [kk]
Khmer Support [km]
Kinyarwanda Support [rw]
Konkani Support [kok]
Korean Support [ko]
Kurdish Support [ku]
Lao Support [lo]
Latin Support [la]
Latvian Support [lv]
Lithuanian Support [lt]
Low Saxon Support [nds]
Luxembourgish Support [lb]
Macedonian Support [mk]
Maithili Support [mai]
Malagasy Support [mg]
Malay Support [ms]
Malayalam Support [ml]
Maltese Support [mt]
Manx Support [gv]
Maori Support [mi]
Marathi Support [mr]
Mongolian Support [mn]
Myanmar (Burmese) Support [my]
Nepali Support [ne]
Northern Sotho Support [nso]
Norwegian Support [nb]
Occitan Support [oc]
Oriya Support [or]
Persian Support [fa]
Polish Support [pl]
Portuguese Support [pt]
Punjabi Support [pa]
Romanian Support [ro]
Russian Support [ru]
Sanskrit Support [sa]
Sardinian Support [sc]
Serbian Support [sr]
Sindhi Support [sd]
Sinhala Support [si]
Slovak Support [sk]
Slovenian Support [sl]
Somali Support [so]
Southern Ndebele Support [nr]
Southern Sotho Support [st]
Spanish Support [es]
Swahili Support [sw]
Swati Support [ss]
Swedish Support [sv]
Tagalog Support [tl]
Tajik Support [tg]
Tamil Support [ta]
Telugu Support [te]
Tetum Support [tet]
Thai Support [th]
Tibetan Support [bo]
Tsonga Support [ts]
Tswana Support [tn]
Turkish Support [tr]
Turkmen Support [tk]
Ukrainian Support [uk]
Upper Sorbian Support [hsb]
Urdu Support [ur]
Uzbek Support [uz]
Venda Support [ve]
Vietnamese Support [vi]
Walloon Support [wa]
Welsh Support [cy]
Xhosa Support [xh]
Zulu Support [zu]



[root@localhost ~]# yum groupinfo Virtualization
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Setting up Group Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.esocc.com
* extras: mirror.esocc.com
* updates: mirror.esocc.com

Group: Virtualization
Description: Provides an environment for hosting virtualized guests.
Mandatory Packages:
Default Packages:
Optional Packages:
[root@localhost ~]#


[root@localhost ~]# yum groupinfo “Virtualization Client”
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Setting up Group Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.btte.net
* extras: mirrors.btte.net
* updates: mirrors.btte.net

Group: Virtualization Client
Description: Clients for installing and managing virtualization instances.
Mandatory Packages:
Default Packages:
[root@localhost ~]#


[root@localhost ~]# yum groupinfo “Virtualization Platform”
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Setting up Group Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.esocc.com
* extras: mirror.esocc.com
* updates: mirror.esocc.com

Group: Virtualization Platform
Description: Provides an interface for accessing and controlling virtualized guests and containers.
Mandatory Packages:
Optional Packages:
[root@localhost ~]#


[root@localhost ~]# yum groupinfo “Virtualization Tools”
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Setting up Group Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.esocc.com
* extras: mirror.esocc.com
* updates: mirror.esocc.com

Group: Virtualization Tools
Description: Tools for offline virtual image management.
Default Packages:
Optional Packages:
[root@localhost ~]#


[root@localhost ~]# yum info hypervkvpd
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.163.com
* extras: mirrors.163.com
* updates: mirrors.163.com
Available Packages
Name        : hypervkvpd
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 0
Release     : 0.9.el6
Size        : 17 k
Repo        : base
Summary     : HyperV key value pair (KVP) daemon
URL         : http://www.kernel.org
License     : GPLv2
Description : Hypervkvpd is an implementation of HyperV key value pair (KVP)
: functionality for Linux.

[root@localhost ~]#