2 月 142019

HARVEY MIEI (2018/06/04)

The Checks feature in the XRP Ledger allows users to create deferred payments that can be canceled or cashed by the intended recipients. Like personal paper checks, XRP Ledger Checks start with the sender of the funds creating a Check that specifies an amount and receiver. The receiver cashes the check to pull the funds from the sender’s account into the receiver’s account. No money moves until the receiver cashes the Check. Because funds are not put on hold when the Check is created, cashing a Check can fail if the sender doesn’t have enough funds when the receiver tries to cash it, just like traditional checks. If there’s a failure cashing the check, the sender can retry until the check expires.

XRP Ledger Checks have expiration times after which they may no longer be cashed. If the receiver doesn’t successfully cash the Check before it expires, the Check object remains in the XRP Ledger until someone cancels it. Anyone may cancel the Check after it expires. Only the sender and receiver can cancel the Check before it expires or is cashed. The Check object is removed from the Ledger when the sender successfully cashes the check or someone cancels it.

Checks are similar to Escrow and Payment Channels, but there are some important differences between those features and Checks:
You can send issued currency with Checks. With Payment Channels and Escrow, you can only send XRP.
Checks do not tie up any funds. The XRP involved in Payment Channels and Escrow cannot be spent until it is redeemed with a claim provided by the sender (Payment Channels), or released by an expiration or crypto-condition (Escrow).
You can send XRP to yourself through Escrow. You cannot use Checks or Payment Channels to send XRP (or, in the case of Checks, issued currencies) to yourself.

支票与托管和Payment Channels付款渠道相似,但他们之间有一些重要的不同:

Why Checks?


Traditional paper checks allow people to transfer balances without immediately exchanging physical currency. XRP Ledger Checks allow people to exchange funds asynchronously using a process that is familiar to and accepted by the banking industry.


XRP Ledger Checks also solve a problem that is unique to the XRP Ledger: they allow users to reject unwanted payments or accept only a portion of a payment. This is useful for institutions that need to be careful about accepting payments for compliance reasons.


Checks potentially enable many other use cases. Ripple encourages the community to find new and creative applications for Checks.


Use Case: Payment Authorization

Problem: To comply with regulations like BSA, KYC, AML, and CFT, financial institutions must provide documentation about the source of funds they receive. Such regulations seek to prevent the illicit transfer of funds by requiring institutions to disclose the source and destination of all payments processed by the institution. Because of the nature of the XRP Ledger, anyone could potentially send XRP (and, under the right circumstances, issued currencies) to an institution’s account on the XRP Ledger. Dealing with such unwanted payments adds significant cost and time delays to these institutions’ compliance departments, including potential fines or penalties.
为遵守像BSA,KYC,AML和CFT这样的规定 ,金融机构必须提供关于他们收到资金来源的文件。 这些法规旨在要求机构披露所有付款的来源和目的地来防止非法转移资金。 由于XRP分类账的性质,任何人都可能将XRP(并且在适当的情况下,已发行货币)发送到XRP分类账的机构账户。 处理这些不必要的支付会给这些机构的合规部门带来巨大的成本和时间延迟,还有可能的罚款或处罚。

Solution: Institutions can enable Deposit Authorization on their XRP Ledger accounts by setting the asfDepositAuth flag in an AccountSet transaction. This makes the account unable to receive Payment transactions. Accounts with Deposit Authorization enabled can only receive funds through Escrow, Payment Channels, or Checks. Checks are the most straightforward, familiar, and flexible way to transfer funds if Deposit Authorization is enabled.


Checks typically have the lifecycle described below.

Step 1: To create a Check, the sender submits a CheckCreate transaction and specifies the receiver (Destination), expiration time (Expiration), and maximum amount that may be debited from the sender’s account (SendMax).


Step 2: After the CheckCreate transaction is processed, a Check object is created on the XRP Ledger. This object contains the properties of the Check as defined by the transaction that created it. The object can only be modified by the sender (by canceling it with a CheckCancel transaction) or receiver (by canceling it or cashing it) before the expiration time passes. After the expiration time, anyone may cancel the Check.


Step 3: To cash the check, the receiver submits a CheckCash transaction. The receiver has two options for cashing the check:


Amount — The receiver can use this option to specify an exact amount to cash. This may be useful for cases where the sender has padded the check to cover possible transfer fees and the receiver can only accept the exact amount on an invoice or other contract.


DeliverMin — The receiver can use this option to specify the minimum amount they are willing to receive from the Check. If the receiver uses this option, rippled attempts to deliver as much as possible and will deliver at least this amount. The transaction fails if the amount that can be credited to the receiver is not at least this amount.


If the sender has enough funds to cover the Check and the expiration time has not passed, the funds are debited from the sender’s account and credited to the receiver’s account, and the Check object is is destroyed.


Expiration Case

In the case of expirations, Checks have the lifecycle described below.

All Checks start the same way, so Steps 1 and 2 are the same.

Step 3a: If the Check expires before the receiver can cash it, the Check can no longer be cashed but remains in the ledger.


Step 4a: After a Check expires, anyone may cancel it by submitting a CheckCancel transaction. That transaction removes the Check from the ledger.


Availability of Checks
Checks require rippled v0.90.0 or later.

2 月 122019


Cross-Currency Payments
In the XRP Ledger, you can send cross-currency payments that exchange one or more issued currencies, XRP, or both. Like direct XRP payments, these payments use the Payment transaction type. Cross-currency payments within the XRP Ledger are fully atomic, meaning that either the payment fully executes or no part of it executes.


By default, cross-currency payments deliver a fixed amount to their destination at a variable cost to their source. Cross-currency payments can also be partial payments, which deliver a variable amount to the destination within a fixed sending limit.




By definition, a cross-currency payment involves at least two currencies, which means that at least one currency involved must be a non-XRP issued currency.


    Typically, this means using one or more currencies issued by an XRP Ledger Gateway. Such currencies are backed by funds outside the XRP Ledger, and can be withdrawn through the gateway.


    You could also use digital tokens that are only issued within the XRP Ledger and has no outside backing, as long as the parties transacting are willing to send or receive those tokens and treat them as something of value.


There must be at least one Path between the sender and receiver, and the total liquidity across all paths must be enough to facilitate the payment. For cross-currency payments, this usually means consuming Offers to convert from one currency to another.




Cross-currency payments that exchange two issued currencies automatically use XRP, when it decreases the cost of the payment, by connecting order books to deepen the pool of available liquidity. For example, a payment sending from USD to MXN automatically converts USD to XRP and then XRP to MXN if doing so is cheaper than converting USD to MXN directly.

跨货币支付自动使用XRP来作为两种已发行货币的中间媒介,以降低付款成本,同时使用order book增加已发行货币的流动性。举例来讲,如果使用XRP作为中间媒介转换的成本,比直接进行USD及MXN兑换更低的话,付款自USD兑换成MXN的过程就会首先将USD兑换为XRP,然后再将XRP兑换为MXN。

2 月 102019


Node Size参数

The node_size parameter determines the size of database caches. Larger database caches decrease disk I/O requirements at a cost of higher memory requirements. Ripple recommends you always use the largest database cache your available memory can support. See the following table for recommended settings.


Available RAM for rippled node_size value Notes
< 8GB tiny Not recommended
8GB low
16GB medium
32GB huge Recommended for production servers

Node DB Type
The type field in the node_db section of the rippled.cfg file sets the type of key-value store that rippled uses to persist the XRP Ledger in the ledger store. You can set the value to either rocksdb or nudb.

rippled offers a history sharding feature that allows you to store a randomized range of ledgers in a separate shard store. You may want to configure the shard store to use a different type of key-value store than the ledger store. For more information about how to use this feature, see History Sharding.


RocksDB vs NuDB
RocksDB requires approximately one-third less disk storage than NuDB and provides a corresponding improvement in I/O latency. However, this comes at a cost of increased memory utilization as storage size grows. NuDB, on the other hand, has nearly constant performance and memory footprint regardless of storage.

rippled servers that operate as validators should keep only a few days’ worth of data or less. Ripple recommends using RocksDB for validators. For all other uses, Ripple recommends using NuDB for the ledger store.

RocksDB has performance-related configuration options you can modify to achieve maximum transaction processing throughput. (NuDB does not have performance-related configuration options.) Here is an example of the recommended configuration for a rippled server using RocksDB:



XRP Ledger Network Data Integrity
The history of all ledgers is shared by servers agreeing to keep particular ranges of historical ledgers. This makes it possible for servers to confirm that they have all the data they agreed to maintain, and produce proof trees or ledger deltas. Since rippled servers that are configured with history sharding randomly select the shards that they store, the entire history of all closed ledgers is stored in a normal distribution curve, increasing the probability that the XRP Ledger Network evenly maintains the history.

Shard Store Configuration
To configure your rippled to store shards of ledger history, add a shard_db section to your rippled.cfg file.

Shard Configuration Example
The following snippet from an example rippled.cfg file shows the configuration fields for adding sharding to a rippled server:



Tip:Ripple recommends using NuDB for the shard store (type=NuDB). NuDB uses fewer file handles per shard than RocksDB. RocksDB uses memory that scales with the size of data it stores, which may require excessive memory overhead.


Tip:While both validator and tracking (or stock) rippled servers can be configured to use history shard stores, Ripple recommends adding history sharding only for non-validator rippled servers to reduce overhead for validators. If you run a validator and want to manage ledger history using sharding, run a separate rippled server with sharding enabled.
提示:虽然Validator和Stock Server都可以配置为开启历史分片存储,但Ripple建议仅在非Validator服务器上开启,以减轻Validator负载和开销。如果用户当前已运行Validator并希望使用分片管理历史总账数据,建议额外运行一个独立的开启分片的rippled服务器。

For more information, reference the [shard_db] example in the rippled.cfg configuration example.
更多信息,请参照rippled.cfg配置文件中的[shard_db] 区段示例。

Sizing the Shard Store
Determining a suitable size for the shard store involves careful consideration. You should consider the following when deciding what size your shard store should be:

Although redundant, it is possible to hold full ledger history in the ledger store and the history shard store.
An effective configuration might limit the ledger store only to recent history.
The ledger store history size should at minimum be twice the ledgers per shard, due to the fact that the current shard may be chosen to be stored and it would be wasteful to reacquire that data.
The time to acquire, number of file handles, and memory cache usage is directly affected by sizing.
Each shard contains 2^14 ledgers (16384).
A shard occupies approximately 200 MB to 4 GB based on the age of the shard. Older shards are smaller because there was less activity in the XRP Ledger at the time.

2 月 062019

Tick Size
Requires the TickSize amendment.
When an Offer is placed into an order book, its exchange rate is truncated based on the TickSize values set by the issuers of the currencies involved in the Offer. When a trader offers to exchange XRP and an issued currency, the TickSize from the issuer of the currency applies. When a trader offers to exchange two issued currencies, the offer uses the smaller TickSize value (that is, the one with fewer significant digits). If neither currency has a TickSize set, the default behavior applies.
当一个报价单放入一个order book时,其汇率将按照货币发行人所设置的TickSize而截断位数(匹配精度)。当交易者在一个报价单中进行XRP和已发行货币见兑换时,适用由该货币发行人设置的TickSize设置。当交易者在一个报价单中进行两种已发行货币的兑换时,报价单使用较小TickSize的值(即具有更少位数的那个)。如果两种货币对应发行人的TickSize设置相同,则默认适用。
The TickSize value truncates the number of significant digits in the exchange rate of an offer when it gets placed in an order book. Issuers can set TickSize to an integer from 3 to 15 using an AccountSet transaction. The exchange rate is represented as significant digits and an exponent; the TickSize does not affect the exponent. This allows the XRP Ledger to represent exchange rates between assets that vary greatly in value (for example, a hyperinflated currency compared to a rare commodity). The lower the TickSize an issuer sets, the larger the increment traders must offer to be considered a higher exchange rate than the existing Offers.
在order book中的报价单,会受TickSize设置而截断交易汇率中的有效位数。发行人可以使用AccountSet交易类型设置3-15位整数长度的TickSize设置值(精度)。汇率表示为有效数字和指数,TickSize设置不影响指数。这允许XRP总账网络在两个差异化资产价值之间提供汇率(例如通涨货币和稀缺商品之间)。发行人设置的TickSize越小, 越多的交易商就会考虑比当前已存在报价单更高的汇率的报价单。

The TickSize does not affect the part of an Offer that can be executed immediately. (For that reason, OfferCreate transactions with tfImmediateOrCancel are unaffected by TickSize values.) If the Offer cannot be fully executed, the transaction processing engine calculates the exchange rate and truncates it based on TickSize. Then, the engine rounds the remaining amount of the Offer from the “less important” side to match the truncated exchange rate. For a default OfferCreate transaction (a “buy” Offer), the TakerPays amount (the amount being bought) gets rounded. If the tfSell flag is enabled (a “sell” Offer) the TakerGets amount (the amount being sold) gets rounded.
When an issuer enables, disables, or changes the TickSize, Offers that were placed under the previous setting are unaffected.