5 月 292020


[root@server6 ~]# init 0


[root@server1 ~]# gluster volume info

Volume Name: data-volume
Type: Disperse
Volume ID: fd3fdef5-a1c5-41c6-83f7-a9df9e3ccbb3
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x (4 + 2) = 6
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: server1:/mnt/volume_sfo2_01/brick1
Brick2: server2:/mnt/volume_sfo2_02/brick2
Brick3: server3:/mnt/volume_sfo2_03/brick3
Brick4: server4:/mnt/volume_sfo2_04/brick4
Brick5: server5:/mnt/volume_sfo2_05/brick5
Brick6: server6:/mnt/volume_sfo2_06/brick6
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
storage.fips-mode-rchecksum: on
nfs.disable: on
[root@server1 ~]#


[root@server1 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: data-volume
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick server1:/mnt/volume_sfo2_01/brick1    49152     0          Y       10380
Brick server2:/mnt/volume_sfo2_02/brick2    49152     0          Y       10273
Brick server3:/mnt/volume_sfo2_03/brick3    49152     0          Y       10269
Brick server4:/mnt/volume_sfo2_04/brick4    49152     0          Y       10276
Brick server5:/mnt/volume_sfo2_05/brick5    49152     0          Y       10274
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       10401
Self-heal Daemon on server3                 N/A       N/A        Y       10290
Self-heal Daemon on server5                 N/A       N/A        Y       10295
Self-heal Daemon on server2                 N/A       N/A        Y       10294
Self-heal Daemon on server4                 N/A       N/A        Y       10297
Task Status of Volume data-volume
There are no active volume tasks
[root@server1 ~]#


[root@server1 ~]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 5

Hostname: server2
Uuid: d331a6e5-b533-42a6-bd78-b07f33edbb0f
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server3
Uuid: c925e178-a154-4e00-b678-a0b9a30187a8
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server4
Uuid: 278a51f2-e399-4182-8f37-9c47e35205d3
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server5
Uuid: a0be5978-e05b-46bc-83b7-c34ae212cf21
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server6
Uuid: a505fa8b-72f3-47a1-af1c-19ca01c1245a
State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)
[root@server1 ~]#


[root@server7 ~]# for i in `seq -w 21 40`; do cp -rp /var/log/messages /mnt/copy-test-$i; done
[root@server7 ~]# ls /mnt/
copy-test-01 copy-test-05 copy-test-09 copy-test-13 copy-test-17 copy-test-21 copy-test-25 copy-test-29 copy-test-33 copy-test-37
copy-test-02 copy-test-06 copy-test-10 copy-test-14 copy-test-18 copy-test-22 copy-test-26 copy-test-30 copy-test-34 copy-test-38
copy-test-03 copy-test-07 copy-test-11 copy-test-15 copy-test-19 copy-test-23 copy-test-27 copy-test-31 copy-test-35 copy-test-39
copy-test-04 copy-test-08 copy-test-12 copy-test-16 copy-test-20 copy-test-24 copy-test-28 copy-test-32 copy-test-36 copy-test-40
[root@server7 ~]#


[root@server5 ~]# init 0


[root@server2 ~]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 5

Hostname: server1
Uuid: a97fa9a8-e97f-421e-b92c-07ef39a488cd
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server3
Uuid: c925e178-a154-4e00-b678-a0b9a30187a8
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server4
Uuid: 278a51f2-e399-4182-8f37-9c47e35205d3
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server5
Uuid: a0be5978-e05b-46bc-83b7-c34ae212cf21
State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)

Hostname: server6
Uuid: a505fa8b-72f3-47a1-af1c-19ca01c1245a
State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)
[root@server2 ~]#


[root@server2 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: data-volume
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick server1:/mnt/volume_sfo2_01/brick1    49152     0          Y       10380
Brick server2:/mnt/volume_sfo2_02/brick2    49152     0          Y       10273
Brick server3:/mnt/volume_sfo2_03/brick3    49152     0          Y       10269
Brick server4:/mnt/volume_sfo2_04/brick4    49152     0          Y       10276
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       10294
Self-heal Daemon on server1                 N/A       N/A        Y       10401
Self-heal Daemon on server3                 N/A       N/A        Y       10290
Self-heal Daemon on server4                 N/A       N/A        Y       10297
Task Status of Volume data-volume
There are no active volume tasks
[root@server2 ~]#


[root@server7 ~]# for i in `seq -w 41 60`; do cp -rp /var/log/messages /mnt/copy-test-$i; done
[root@server7 ~]# ls /mnt/
copy-test-01 copy-test-06 copy-test-11 copy-test-16 copy-test-21 copy-test-26 copy-test-31 copy-test-36 copy-test-41 copy-test-46 copy-test-51 copy-test-56
copy-test-02 copy-test-07 copy-test-12 copy-test-17 copy-test-22 copy-test-27 copy-test-32 copy-test-37 copy-test-42 copy-test-47 copy-test-52 copy-test-57
copy-test-03 copy-test-08 copy-test-13 copy-test-18 copy-test-23 copy-test-28 copy-test-33 copy-test-38 copy-test-43 copy-test-48 copy-test-53 copy-test-58
copy-test-04 copy-test-09 copy-test-14 copy-test-19 copy-test-24 copy-test-29 copy-test-34 copy-test-39 copy-test-44 copy-test-49 copy-test-54 copy-test-59
copy-test-05 copy-test-10 copy-test-15 copy-test-20 copy-test-25 copy-test-30 copy-test-35 copy-test-40 copy-test-45 copy-test-50 copy-test-55 copy-test-60
[root@server7 ~]#


[root@server4 ~]# init 0


[root@server2 ~]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 5

Hostname: server1
Uuid: a97fa9a8-e97f-421e-b92c-07ef39a488cd
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server3
Uuid: c925e178-a154-4e00-b678-a0b9a30187a8
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: server4
Uuid: 278a51f2-e399-4182-8f37-9c47e35205d3
State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)

Hostname: server5
Uuid: a0be5978-e05b-46bc-83b7-c34ae212cf21
State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)

Hostname: server6
Uuid: a505fa8b-72f3-47a1-af1c-19ca01c1245a
State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)
[root@server2 ~]#


[root@server2 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: data-volume
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick server1:/mnt/volume_sfo2_01/brick1    49152     0          Y       10380
Brick server2:/mnt/volume_sfo2_02/brick2    49152     0          Y       10273
Brick server3:/mnt/volume_sfo2_03/brick3    49152     0          Y       10269
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       10294
Self-heal Daemon on server3                 N/A       N/A        Y       10290
Self-heal Daemon on server1                 N/A       N/A        Y       10401
Task Status of Volume data-volume
There are no active volume tasks
[root@server2 ~]#


[root@server7 ~]# ls /mnt 
ls: cannot access /mnt: Transport endpoint is not connected
[root@server7 ~]#