10 月 152020
import random #引用
def roll_dice(number=3, points=None): #指定参数默认值
    print('>>>>> ROLL THE DiCE! <<<<<')
    if points is None: #判断,如果point为空,默认赋值为空
        points = [] #空列表赋值变量
    while number > 0: #循环,number大于0则执行
        point = random.randrange(1,7) #生成随机数赋值变量
        points.append(point) #将变量写入列表
        number = number - 1 #每次将number减1,循环3次,为0时退出循环
    return points #调用函数,返回已赋值变量(3个随机数)

def roll_result(total):
    isBig = 11 <= total <= 18 #11-18之间的值赋值变量
    isSmall = 3 <= total <=10 #3-10之间的值赋值变量
    if isBig: #判断,返回大或小
        return 'Big'
    elif isSmall:
        return 'Small'

def start_game():
    print('>>>>> STARTS! <<<<<')
    choices = ['Big', 'Small'] #列表赋值变量
    your_choice = input('Big or Small: ') #用户输入赋值变量
    you_have = 1000 #初始金额
    you_bet = input('How much you wanna bet? ') #输入下注金额
    if your_choice in choices: #判断用户输入是否存在于列表中
        points = roll_dice() #调用函数获得随机数并赋值变量
        total = sum(points) #计算随机数的和
        youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) #用户输入与函数计算结果比较返回True并赋值变量

        if youWin: #if True 打印成功
            print('The points are ', points, 'You win!')
            you_have = you_have + int(you_bet)
            print('You gained ', you_bet,', you have ', you_have, 'now')
        else: #反之为False,打印失败
            print('The points are ', points, 'You lose!')
            you_have = you_have - int(you_bet)
            if you_have > 0: #打印信息并继续
                print('you lose ', you_bet,', you have ', you_have,' now')
            else: #反之,游戏结束
                print('you lose ', you_bet,', you have ', you_have,' now')
                print('GAME OVER')

    else: #其他情况(用户输入与列表中元素不一致),提示用户输入无效字符
        print('Ivalid Words')
        start_game() #再次调用函数

10 月 152020
import random #引用
def roll_dice(number=3, points=None): #指定参数默认值
    print('>>>>> ROLL THE DiCE! <<<<<')
    if points is None: #判断,如果point为空,默认赋值为空
        points = [] #空列表赋值变量
    while number > 0: #循环,number大于0则执行
        point = random.randrange(1,7) #生成随机数赋值变量
        points.append(point) #将变量写入列表
        number = number - 1 #每次将number减1,循环3次,为0时退出循环
    return points #调用函数,返回已赋值变量(3个随机数)

def roll_result(total):
    isBig = 11 <= total <= 18 #11-18之间的值赋值变量
    isSmall = 3 <= total <=10 #3-10之间的值赋值变量
    if isBig: #判断,返回大或小
        return 'Big'
    elif isSmall:
        return 'Small'

def start_game():
    print('>>>>> STARTS! <<<<<')
    choices = ['Big', 'Small'] #列表赋值变量
    your_choice = input('Big or Small: ') #用户输入赋值变量
    if your_choice in choices: #判断用户输入是否存在于列表中
        points = roll_dice() #调用函数获得随机数并赋值变量
        total = sum(points) #计算随机数的和
        youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) #用户输入与函数计算结果比较返回True并赋值变量

        if youWin: #if True 打印成功
            print('The points are ', points, 'You win!')
        else: #反之为False,打印失败
            print('The points are ', points, 'You lose!')
    else: #其他情况,提示用户输入无效字符
        print('Ivalid Words')
        start_game() #再次调用函数

PS D:\Python> & C:/Users/harveymei/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe d:/Python/hello.py
>>>>> STARTS! <<<<<
The points are  [3, 5, 2] You win!
PS D:\Python> & C:/Users/harveymei/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe d:/Python/hello.py
>>>>> STARTS! <<<<<
Big or Small: haha
Ivalid Words
>>>>> STARTS! <<<<<
Big or Small: Big
>>>>> ROLL THE DiCE! <<<<<
The points are  [6, 4, 5] You win!
PS D:\Python> & C:/Users/harveymei/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe d:/Python/hello.py
>>>>> STARTS! <<<<<
Big or Small: Small
>>>>> ROLL THE DiCE! <<<<<
The points are  [5, 3, 6] You lose!
PS D:\Python>