9 月 022013



[root@localhost ~]# yum groupinstall Virtualization "Virtualization Client"
 hypervkvpd              x86_64 0-0.9.el6                         base     17 k
 python-virtinst         noarch 0.600.0-15.el6                    base    490 k
 qemu-kvm                x86_64 2: updates 1.3 M
 virt-manager            x86_64 0.9.0-18.el6                      base    1.0 M
 virt-top                x86_64 1.0.4-3.15.el6                    base    369 k
 virt-viewer             x86_64 0.5.2-18.el6_4.2                  updates 200 k


Virtualization Client中的包依赖于Virtualization Platform中的libvirt

[root@localhost ~]# yum info libvirt
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.163.com
* extras: mirrors.163.com
* updates: mirrors.163.com
Available Packages
Name        : libvirt
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 0.10.2
Release     : 18.el6_4.9
Size        : 2.3 M
Repo        : updates
Summary     : Library providing a simple virtualization API
URL         : http://libvirt.org/
License     : LGPLv2+
Description : Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization
: capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The
: main package includes the libvirtd server exporting the
: virtualization support.


[root@localhost ~]# yum install libvirt

libvirt               x86_64 0.10.2-18.el6_4.9                   updates 2.3 M
Installing for dependencies:
ConsoleKit            x86_64 0.4.1-3.el6                         base     82 k
ConsoleKit-libs       x86_64 0.4.1-3.el6                         base     17 k
augeas-libs           x86_64 0.9.0-4.el6                         base    317 k
avahi-libs            x86_64 0.6.25-12.el6                       base     54 k
cvs                   x86_64 1.11.23-15.el6                      base    711 k
cyrus-sasl-md5        x86_64 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1                   base     47 k
dbus                  x86_64 1:1.2.24-7.el6_3                    base    207 k
dmidecode             x86_64 1:2.11-2.el6                        base     71 k
dnsmasq               x86_64 2.48-13.el6                         base    149 k
ebtables              x86_64 2.0.9-6.el6                         base     95 k
eggdbus               x86_64 0.6-3.el6                           base     91 k
gettext               x86_64 0.17-16.el6                         base    1.8 M
gnutls                x86_64 2.8.5-10.el6_4.2                    updates 346 k
gnutls-utils          x86_64 2.8.5-10.el6_4.2                    updates 100 k
hal                   x86_64 0.5.14-11.el6                       base    375 k
hal-info              noarch 20090716-3.1.el6                    base     56 k
hal-libs              x86_64 0.5.14-11.el6                       base     69 k
hdparm                x86_64 9.16-3.4.el6                        base     72 k
keyutils              x86_64 1.4-4.el6                           base     39 k
libcgroup             x86_64 0.37-7.2.el6_4                      updates 111 k
libevent              x86_64 1.4.13-4.el6                        base     66 k
libgomp               x86_64 4.4.7-3.el6                         base    118 k
libgssglue            x86_64 0.1-11.el6                          base     23 k
libnl                 x86_64 1.1.4-1.el6_4                       updates 121 k
libpcap               x86_64 14:1.0.0-6.20091201git117cb5.el6    base    126 k
libtasn1              x86_64 2.3-3.el6_2.1                       base    238 k
libtirpc              x86_64 0.2.1-6.el6_4                       updates  78 k
libusb1               x86_64 1.0.9-0.6.rc1.el6                   base     80 k
libvirt-client        x86_64 0.10.2-18.el6_4.9                   updates 4.0 M
libxslt               x86_64 1.1.26-2.el6_3.1                    base    452 k
lzo                   x86_64 2.03-3.1.el6                        base     55 k
lzop                  x86_64 1.02-0.9.rc1.el6                    base     50 k
nc                    x86_64 1.84-22.el6                         base     57 k
netcf-libs            x86_64 0.1.9-3.el6                         base     51 k
nfs-utils             x86_64 1:1.2.3-36.el6                      base    319 k
nfs-utils-lib         x86_64 1.1.5-6.el6                         base     67 k
numactl               x86_64 2.0.7-6.el6                         base     69 k
numad                 x86_64 0.5-8.20121015git.el6               base     27 k
parted                x86_64 2.1-19.el6                          base    606 k
perl                  x86_64 4:5.10.1-131.el6_4                  updates  10 M
perl-Module-Pluggable x86_64 1:3.90-131.el6_4                    updates  39 k
perl-Pod-Escapes      x86_64 1:1.04-131.el6_4                    updates  31 k
perl-Pod-Simple       x86_64 1:3.13-131.el6_4                    updates 211 k
perl-libs             x86_64 4:5.10.1-131.el6_4                  updates 577 k
perl-version          x86_64 3:0.77-131.el6_4                    updates  50 k
pm-utils              x86_64 1.2.5-10.el6                        base    108 k
polkit                x86_64 0.96-2.el6_0.1                      base    158 k
qemu-img              x86_64 2:   updates 472 k
radvd                 x86_64 1.6-1.el6                           base     75 k
rpcbind               x86_64 0.2.0-11.el6                        base     51 k
usbredir              x86_64 0.5.1-1.el6                         base     40 k
xz                    x86_64 4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el6    base    137 k
yajl                  x86_64 1.0.7-3.el6                         base     27 k


[root@localhost ~]# service libvirtd status
libvirtd (pid  1553) is running…
[root@localhost ~]# service libvirt-guests status
[root@localhost ~]# service hypervkvpd status
hv_kvp_daemon (pid 1506) is running…
[root@localhost ~]#

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