9 月 052013


[root@localhost ~]# virt-install –name=RHEL –description=”RHEL 6″ \
> –os-type=linux –os-variant=rhel6 \
> –hvm –ram=1024  –vcpus=1 \
> –cdrom=/usr/local/src/CentOS-6.3-i386-minimal.iso \
> –disk=/var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel.img,size=8 \
> –network bridge=br0 \
> –graphics vnc,password=12345,listen=,port=5901,keymap=us

Starting install…
Creating domain…                                       |    0 B     00:00
Cannot open display:
Run ‘virt-viewer –help’ to see a full list of available command line options
Domain installation still in progress. You can reconnect to
the console to complete the installation process.
[root@localhost ~]#

[root@localhost ~]# netstat -lunt |grep 5901
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN
[root@localhost ~]#

使用RealVNC Viewer 连接虚拟机输入密码后出现闪退的问题

kvm-vnc-install-01 kvm-vnc-install-02 kvm-vnc-install-03 kvm-vnc-install-04 kvm-vnc-install-05 kvm-vnc-install-06 kvm-vnc-install-07

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