10 月 132020
import random #引入random库

point1 = random.randrange(1,7)
point2 = random.randrange(1,7)
point3 = random.randrange(1,7)

def points():
    return str(point1), str(point2), str(point3) #返回三个变量值

def calc():
    values = point1 + point2 + point3 #累加计算
    if 11 <= values <= 18:
        return 'Big'
    elif 3 <= values <= 10:
        return 'Small'

print('>>> START <<<')
choose = input('Input Big or Small: ') #用户输入大小赋值变量
abc = points() #调用函数返回三个随机数并赋值变量
print('The points are {}'.format(abc)) #使用格式化字符串打印变量值

status = ['You are win!', 'You are lose!']
if choose == calc(): #判断,用户输入与函数计算返回值比较运算,一致返回成功
else: #反之,不一致返回失败
PS D:\Python> & C:/Users/harveymei/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe d:/Python/hello.py
>>> START <<<
Input Big or Small: Big
The points are ('5', '6', '3')
You are win!
PS D:\Python>

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