11 月 062020
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Time       : 2020/11/3 14:59
# @Author     : Harvey Mei <harvey.mei@msn.com>
# @FileName   : base36.py
# @IDE        : PyCharm
# @GitHub     :https://github.com/harveymei/

import string

# base10 to base36
def encode(number):
    alphabet = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase
    value = ''

    while number != 0:
        number, index = divmod(number, len(alphabet))
        value = alphabet[index] + value

    return value or '0'

# base36 to base10
def decode(value):
    return int(value, 36)

# 循环,当number > 0时求商取余,将余数作为字符串切片取值
print(divmod(1024, 36))
print((string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[16])
# 'g' + ''

print(divmod(28, 36))
print((string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[28])
# 's' + 'g'

# 当number == 0时退出循环
print(divmod(0, 36))
print((string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[0])

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