3 月 092015

在CentOS 6.5环境中安装依赖软件包,使用git下载最新版本st-load源码包

 [root@localhost ~]# yum install git unzip patch gcc gcc-c++ make
 [root@localhost ~]# git clone https://github.com/winlinvip/st-load.git


 [root@localhost st-load]# ./configure
 [root@localhost st-load]# make


 [root@localhost st-load]# ls objs/
 http-parser-2.1 src st_hls_load st_rtmp_load st_rtmp_publish
 Makefile st-1.9 st_http_load st_rtmp_load_fast
 [root@localhost st-load]#


./st_rtmp_load -c 1 -r rtmp://


./st_hls_load -c 1 -r


./st_hls_load -c 10000 -o -r


./st_rtmp_publish -i doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv -c 1 -r rtmp://


./st_rtmp_publish -i doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv -c 1000 -r rtmp://{i}


(1) SRS Bench (原st-load,最后更新:20151231)

  32 Responses to “RTMP与HLS压力测试工具安装与配置”

  1. 可以把st-load包发给我一下吗?网站一直下不下来。非常感谢`

  2. 你好,./st_rtmp_publish -i doc/source.200kbps.768×320.flv -c 1 -r rtmp://。这条推送命令可以推送其他格式的视频吗?例如mp4格式的

  3. 我使用这个st-load推送一路rtmp到我的nginx流媒体服务器上,没能生成m3u8文件。求大神指教。

  4. ./st_rtmp_publish 这个可以做到发布特定规格、一定码流的源吗?比如720P 1M码流

  5. 你好 可以发给我一下吗 下载不下来 taojishou@qq.com谢谢

  6. 你好,可以给我也发一下吗?急需中呢。331496772@qq.com,多谢!

  7. 可以给我一份st-load吗谢谢!949297882@qq.com

  8. root@rbs:/home/srs-bench/srs-bench-master/objs# ./sb_rtmp_load -c 1 -r rtmp://
    [2016-07-01 08:56:11.766][0][trace] params url=rtmp://, threads=1, start=5.00, delay=1.00, error=3.00, report=30.00, count=0
    [2016-07-01 08:56:11.767][0][trace] create thread for task #1 success
    [2016-07-01 08:56:11.767] [report] [32023] threads:0 alive:0 duration:0 tduration:0 nread:0.00 nwrite:0.00 tasks:0 etasks:0 stasks:0 estasks:0
    [2016-07-01 08:56:11.767][1][trace] start random sleep 4728ms
    [2016-07-01 08:56:16.499][1][trace] start to process RTMP play task #1, schema=rtmp, host=, port=1935, tcUrl=rtmp://, stream=/2016062413502336/movie/videos/1_1.mp4, startup=5.00, delay=1.00, error=3.00, count=0
    [2016-07-01 08:56:16.502][1][error] rtmp client connect tcUrl failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2016-07-01 08:56:16.502][1][error] rtmp client dump url failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)


  9. [root@wowzatest02 objs]# ./sb_hls_load -c 1 -r
    [2016-07-22 12:43:20.201][0][trace] params url=, vod=0, threads=1, start=5.00, delay=-1.00, error=3.00, report=30.00, count=0
    [2016-07-22 12:43:20.201][0][trace] create thread for task #1 success
    [2016-07-22 12:43:20.201] [report] [25659] threads:0 alive:0 duration:0 tduration:0 nread:0.00 nwrite:0.00 tasks:0 etasks:0 stasks:0 estasks:0
    [2016-07-22 12:43:20.201][1][trace] start random sleep 4477ms
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.682][1][trace] start to process HLS task #1, schema=http, host=, port=1935, path=/live/test.stream/playlist.m3u8, startup=5.00, delay=-1.00, error=3.00, count=0
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.693][1][trace] [HLS] get m3u8 get success, length=130
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.693][1][error] invalid url=, endpoint change from to errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.693][1][error] http client check url failed. ret=501 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.693][1][error] http client download ts file failed. ret=501 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.693][1][error] http client download m3u8 ts file failed. ret=501 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2016-07-22 12:43:24.693][1][error] http client process m3u8 failed. ret=501 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)


  10. 可以支持rtmpt协议吗

  11. 你好,在使用http_load测试时,1个client就会把带宽都占满,是什么原因啊?

  12. 那位大神能给我一个包:st-load。谢谢

  13. 可以同时模拟3种或者6种协议吗?

  14. ./st_hls_load –clients=1 –url=
    [2017-03-24 15:53:22.823][0][trace] params url=, vod=0, threads=1, start=5.00, delay=-1.00, error=10.00, report=30.00, count=0
    [2017-03-24 15:53:22.823][0][trace] create thread for task #1 success
    [2017-03-24 15:53:22.823] [report] [65091] threads:0 alive:0 duration:0 tduration:0 nread:0.00 nwrite:0.00 tasks:0 etasks:0 stasks:0 estasks:0
    [2017-03-24 15:53:22.823][1][trace] start random sleep 3859ms
    [2017-03-24 15:53:26.685][1][trace] start to process HLS task #1, schema=http, host=, port=8080, path=/live_hls/ch4/index.m3u8, startup=5.00, delay=-1.00, error=10.00, count=0
    [2017-03-24 15:53:26.686][1][trace] [HLS] get m3u8 get success, length=116
    [2017-03-24 15:53:26.738][1][trace] [TS] url= download, duration=15.10, delay=-1.00, size=2017804, sleep 10942ms
    [2017-03-24 15:53:37.691][1][error] read body from server failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:37.691][1][error] parse response header failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:37.691][1][error] http client parse response failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:37.691][1][error] http client get m3u8 failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:37.691][1][error] http client process m3u8 failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:47.702][1][trace] [HLS] get m3u8 get success, length=158
    [2017-03-24 15:53:47.724][1][trace] [TS] url= download, duration=10.43, delay=-1.00, size=2424072, sleep 8125ms
    [2017-03-24 15:53:52.827] [report] [65091] threads:1 alive:2 duration:30 tduration:5 nread:1.18 nwrite:0.00 tasks:3 etasks:1 stasks:2 estasks:0
    [2017-03-24 15:53:55.851][1][error] read body from server failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:55.851][1][error] parse response header failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)
    [2017-03-24 15:53:55.851][1][error] http client parse response failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)


  15. [root@hpweb1 srs-bench]# ./objs/sb_rtmp_publish -i /home/test/013.flv -c 1 -r rtmp://
    [2017-11-03 18:11:50.717][0][trace] params url=rtmp://, threads=1, start=5.00, delay=1.00, error=3.00, report=30.00, count=0
    [2017-11-03 18:11:50.717][0][trace] create thread for task #1 success
    [2017-11-03 18:11:50.717] [report] [26735] threads:0 alive:0 duration:0 tduration:0 nread:0.00 nwrite:0.00 tasks:0 etasks:0 stasks:0 estasks:0
    [2017-11-03 18:11:50.717][1][trace] start random sleep 3883ms
    [2017-11-03 18:11:54.601][1][trace] start to process RTMP publish task #1, schema=rtmp, host=, port=1936, tcUrl=rtmp://, stream=livestream, startup=5.00, delay=1.00, error=3.00, count=0
    [2017-11-03 18:11:57.743][1][error] rtmp client publish stream failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:11:57.743][1][error] rtmp client publish url failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:03.905][1][error] rtmp client publish stream failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:03.905][1][error] rtmp client publish url failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:10.052][1][error] rtmp client publish stream failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:10.052][1][error] rtmp client publish url failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [root@hpweb1 srs-bench]# ./objs/sb_rtmp_publish -i /home/test/013.flv -c 1 -r rtmp://
    [2017-11-03 18:12:40.542][0][trace] params url=rtmp://, threads=1, start=5.00, delay=1.00, error=3.00, report=30.00, count=0
    [2017-11-03 18:12:40.542][0][trace] create thread for task #1 success
    [2017-11-03 18:12:40.542] [report] [26746] threads:0 alive:0 duration:0 tduration:0 nread:0.00 nwrite:0.00 tasks:0 etasks:0 stasks:0 estasks:0
    [2017-11-03 18:12:40.542][1][trace] start random sleep 4219ms
    [2017-11-03 18:12:44.766][1][trace] start to process RTMP publish task #1, schema=rtmp, host=, port=1936, tcUrl=rtmp://, stream=livestream, startup=5.00, delay=1.00, error=3.00, count=0
    [2017-11-03 18:12:45.927][1][error] rtmp client publish stream failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:45.927][1][error] rtmp client publish url failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:50.090][1][error] rtmp client publish stream failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)
    [2017-11-03 18:12:50.090][1][error] rtmp client publish url failed. ret=2003 errno=11(Resource temporarily unavailable)


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